Tomatsu Yoganno

Name: Tamotsu Yoganno
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Ethnicity: Ninjagian

Hair colour: He has dark brown hair
Eye colour: He has dark green eyes
Skin colour: He has light tan skin
Height: Tamotsu is 6'2
Clothing style: Tamotsu wears a black jacket over a red-orange shirt. He wears dark blue jeans. Tamotsu's ninja gi is a red-orange color. 
Hairstyle: His hair is long in the back and sides and is medium length in the front and brushed/swept to the right.
Frame: He is rather small but he makes up for it with his height he does possess some muscle but he isn't very masculine himself.

Personality: Tough, bold, courageous, strong, serious most of the time, but can have his funny moments, ambitious, considerate, sensitive, optimistic, imaginative, intelligent.
Likes: Giraffes, horses, food, dancing, art,literature, semi interested in tech, music, caves, water, peaches. 
Dislikes: tomatoes,
Strengths: Strategy, work under pressure
Weaknesses: Distant doesn't let others in easily.
Greatest fear: To always be alone.
Greatest wish: To find his parents.

Goals in life: 
General Past: Tomatsu was left with his aunt Minako around the age of one in Jamanakai Village. He didn't make many friends growing up aside from his only friend Kohaku who he shared many memories. 
Past Things They Regret:
Past Things They Are Happy With:
Family life: Tomatsu was left with his aunt Minako around the age of one in Jamanakai Village until the age of fifteen at which point he left the village to go find his parents, meeting lots of new people during his adventure.

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