Luna Walker

Luna Walker
Luna is 15 years old
'Ninjagian' (Can't be specific as people have their head cannons with Jay's Ethnicity)
Elemental Power:
Storms (Combo of water and lightning)
Asexual Panromantic
In a relationship with Kendal Julien <3

Hair colour:
Luna has light brown hair
Eye colour:
She has bright blue eyes
Skin colour:
 Luna has light tan skin
She's 5'6, shorter than average height.
 Clothing style:
Luna, taking after her father, loves the color blue, as it was the color that she grew up with. With her father wearing it most of the time, it gives her a sense of closeness with him, so she enjoys wearing blue. She normally wears t-shirts and shorts, but will wear a light blue dress from time to time, as that is her favorite dress. As of now, in her training days, she tends to swipe Jay's techno gi, as she thinks it looks much cooler than her mother's blue-green ninja gi. She hopes that once she becomes a full grown ninja, she'll get her own ninja gi, maybe even in a blue color.
Luna has messy bangs that frame her face. Her hair is a medium length and tends to curve up at the ends.
Neither of her parents are very bulky in their frame, and Luna takes after them being slender. She doesn't look like she's very strong, but she plans to change that as she gets older. 

Luna is bubbly, childish and loving. She loves just plain old messing around with her parents and her boyfriend. She enjoys other's company. Luna can be rather sensitive though.
 Fixing things, tweaking things, building things, video games, cats, sleep, sweet foods, music, technology, swimming, dragons.
Technologically inclined, good at making friends, 
Very sensitive/mood swings, her inability to fully master her element
Greatest fear:
Letting others down/disappointing those she loves.
Greatest wish:
Live up to her parents' names.

Goals in life:
 Make her parents proud, be the best ninja she can be, work with Cyrus, 
General Past:
Luna has lived with her parents for her whole life. When she was 5, she had to stay with Ed and Edna for a while, as the ninja took a dangerous mission to try to stop the hackers. She grew apart from the other ninja, as once Zane died, the ninja split off and lost contact. When she was 5 was the first time that she met another ninja's child, not including her cousins. Kyle and her were good friends in the time she knew him and once she left for Ed and Edna's, she never truly saw him again, as he had used tomorrow's tea in the time between when the ninja's left and when they had to evacuate the city. She remembers living in New Ninjago City until her parents returned from their mission. She was the only one of the children to keep contact with her parents while they were away. She had been excited for their return, knowing that they would defeat the bad guys and everything would be alright! In the time she was at her grandparent's place, Ed sparked her interest in fixing and building things. She's kept up with her curiosity since, but has not gotten into inventing like Jay. When a large dragon came to her grandparent's yard, Ed had told her that her parents had returned. When she ran out to greet them, she excitedly asked if they had won and if they could go home. When Jay told her no to both of those questions, she was confused as to how the ninja couldn't win the battle. She was also sad that she wasn't going to be going home. On the way to their new home, Luna held on tightly to her kitten Grey as they flew on a dragon. She can't remember much of the ride and Jay has told her that she slept for most of it. 

As she grew up in the new city, her interest in the ninja began to fade. When she was younger, she always thought they were invincible and would often play ninjas with Jay. After the hacker incident, she began to lose interest in them. She instead had Jay teach her more about what she learned from Ed about fixing things. When they first moved, Luna was very homesick for her old house, but she knew that they were evacuated for a reason. If they had stayed any longer, people could have been hurt! Her little sister Midna was very shy and would tend to follow her older sister around. Luna would be annoyed at times at how much she would want to be like her, but she eventually got used to it. All in all, she got used to her life in the new city and enjoyed it.

When Luna hit the age of 15, she didn't think much of it. One day, Cyrus Borg, who was her father's idol and thus had seen a lot of his work in the past, had called her family, along with all of the other ninja. Once she got out of her car, she saw many people she never saw before. Luna first met Kendal Julien, Zane and Pixal's son. Looking back at that day, Luna realizes that she looked like a fool while introducing herself to him, as for some reason, she decided it was a good idea to spin around. Kendal had also done this after she introduced herself. He had seemed a bit shy at first, but quickly became more confident. Once they got into Borg Towers, Cyrus showed all of them his newest project. Guns that reacted to elemental powers. Luna's reacted to her as of yet, undiscovered elemental powers. It meant a lot that she had elemental powers, but looking around, there were a few kids who didn't, including Kendal. For a while, Luna fooled around with the gun, practicing with it and just plainly looking it over. That quickly stopped when a red droid from the hackers shot Kendal in the shoulder. He took it well, but Luna insisted on fixing him. She brought him to her house so that she could use her own tools to fix him. Luna and Kendal ended up getting pretty close when Kendal finally asked her out after winning the race. She said yes of course, and Kendal then kissed her. After their kiss, things got confusing. They eventually got back together, only arguing once as of now.

One day, the main hacker, Melody, came to the city and was confronted by Jay, Stella, Cole and Jade. Luna was off with most of the other kids, trying to start training, though it never did work and her sister had happened to follow her parents in worry, but also oblivious as to what was going on. Melody to her chance while she could and shot a poisoned arrow towards the ninja. It missed them completely, but hit Midna instead. Stella couldn't do anything with her powers for her and medics were called. They couldn't save Midna either and she ended up dying, much to Jay and Stella's dismay. Luna was soon alerted and she drove down to where the action went down with Kendal and Chrome. She found out and was devastated as to what happened to Midna. Soon after, Kendal ended up imploding with a red droid, the workers of the hackers. After both of her losses, though Kendal was not permanent, she decided to become the best ninja she could be so she could protect those who she loves better, instead of just being useless. 

During Luna's training to become a ninja, since she has the combined powers of Jay and Stella, she had to work on the strengths and weaknesses of each power. With her lightning powers, she has to learn to be fast as being quick is part of the element. She learns to quicken her pace by running as fast as she can, seeing if she can improve any. She does pretty good for the most part, but her legs tend to hurt a lot the next day. With her water powers, she has to learn to be flexible. She's not as good with her water powers as she is her lightning powers. She can't even heal yet and she's not sure she can. Luna feels like she's going no where with her powers as her parents train her on things separately, expecting her to put things together herself, but she's having a hard time and is getting a bit frustrated with herself. She has Kendal though, and he tends to calm her down.

Past Things They Regret:
Not being there for Midna's death, not being able to help Kendal with his attack on Thorn, not spending more time with her parents after Midna's death,
Past Things They Are Happy With:
Learning how to tinker, agreeing to be Kendal's girlfriend, most of her happy memories with her parents.
Family life:
Luna always had a great relationship with her parents and sister. She always seemed to connect the most to Jay, her father. But, that doesn't mean that she doesn't connect with her mother Stella. She always looked up to the two of them, as they are her heros. She wants to be as great as them one day. Luna and Midna got along just fine, but now that Midna's gone, Luna wishes she had been there more. At her death, and for her. 

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